Check our Special Offers & also get rewarded for referring to your friends!

Special Offers

When you install 2 or more of our Balcony Clothes Hangers, we have the following offers for you:
2 or More: 5% discount on total value.
3 or More: 10% discount on total value.


Refer up to 40 friends to us and get reward of ₹250/- for every friend you refer.
Plus, each friend you refer will get a ₹250/- discount for themselves. Simply, follow these 3 steps to start earning your rewards:
Step 1: Speak to your friends about our balcony / ceiling cloth hangers.
Step 2: Ask your friends to get our product installed. Once they confirm the order, within 7 days of installation, you will both be rewarded with ₹250/-.
Step 3: Enjoy a reward for you and each of the friends you refer. Remember, referring 40 friends means you can earn ₹10,000/- total-just from referrals.

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Contact our Customer Care team or visit our FAQ and T&C; pages for more information.